Privacy Policy
We recognize the importance of protecting the personal information you provide at Web sites owned or controlled by the Motheo Infratech. One of Motheo Infratech’s sites,, has posted its own "privacy polices" and "terms of use". For the rest of Motheo Infratech’s Web sites, we maintain the following privacy policy:
1. Motheo Infratech gathers the following types of information needed to process your transactions, fulfill your requests, and maintain our membership records:
• Contact information you provide (for example, your personal and business addresses, phone and titles).
• Tracking information which our Web server automatically recognizes each time you visit one of our sites or communicate with us by email (for example, your domain name, your email address, and what pages you visit).
2. Other forms of contact information. Forms of contact information other than email address (for example, street address) may be listed in the membership directories available on Motheo Infratech. We will not share, sell or otherwise provide this contact information about you.
3. Motheo Infratech follows generally accepted standards to protect the information it collects and makes available via its Web sites. We tests their security procedures regularly and modifies them as new technologies become feasible.
4. Do-Not-Track Disclosure: Some browsers have a “Do Not Track” feature that allows you to communicate to websites that you do not want to have your online activities tracked. Our system does not respond to Do Not Track requests or headers from some or all browsers at this time.